Thursday, December 4, 2008

New This Week - Secret Invasion #8 (of 8)

And so ends the bizarre tales of mystery that has been Secret Invasion. Now that it is over, I really don't know what is going on or who is alive or dead. Was that the Scarlet Witch who emerged from the Skrull ship? Was it her Skrull counterpart that caused the House of M events? If Hank Pym was a Skrull, when was he replaced as one? Before Civil War? Is he responsible? What about Spider-man? Did he cause the events of One More Day or was it a Skrull? Throw in Bucky Barnes walking around dressed as Captain America and you got yourself a mass confusion. I thought that Secret Invasion was a pretty good series, although it seemed to drag on forever. Now I have to go read Civil War, Avengers: Disassembled , House of M and about forty other series to look for clues. At least Tony Stark gets the blame for everything. The end of this issue reveals a teaser for the next series; a table full of unexpected villains who are looking to control things and Norman "Green Goblin" Osborne taking over Stark's job. Things are pretty bad when I like Osborne better than Stark, but here we are!

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