Friday, January 8, 2010

Siege Predictions

What a long weird trip it has been since Avengers: Disassembled. The House of M. Civil War. Secret Invasion. Dark Reign. Now, there may finally be some closure with Siege, which began this week. There are a few things I would like to see happen, or that I think need to happen, and here they are...

1. The Sentry must die. I am so sick of this guy. He's dangerous and looks up to Norman Osborn. Nuff said. The Sentry thinks he is so great; taking on the Hulk? Thor? Give me a break. I hope Ares kills him. Now there's a maniac I can get behind.

2. The redemption of Tony Stark. Everyone knows I hate Tony Stark; the kind of hate I usually reserve for real-world people like Dick Cheney. I even threatened to picket the Iron Man movie when it came out. This guy is pretty much to blame for everything bad that has happened in the last few years. Yet, I'm ready to forgive him because heroes persevere. I think Iron Man will come face to face with Norman's Iron Patriot alter-ego (or maybe the Green Goblin himself) and do what Spider-Man has refused to do all these years; kill Norman Osborn and accept responsibility for it. With that, the sins of the past might just be forgiven. Speaking of Spider-Man...

3. Spider-Man must be, once again, unmasked. From the ruins of Siege, surely a new age of heroes will arrive. Since the events of Civil War, it has become obvious that the Superhero Registration Act has failed it's country. Still, it can leave a legacy bigger than the temporary death of Steve Rodgers. It's time for heroes to stand up and accept responsibility for their actions. If they cannot, they should retire. The heroes are as much to blame for the paranoia as the villains. The post 9/11 world won't stand for vigilantes. Unmask Peter Parker and make him the hero he has grown up to be.

4. The return of Hope to present time. It's time that Cable's young protege, the 'mutant messiah', comes back to the 21st century. I think this could be the start of a whole new Marvel arc; the resurgence of the mutant population. What if the House of M really came true? Bring back Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch a well. Maybe the dawn of the age of Homo-superior is upon us.

Now, where's my motherfucking movie cheque?

Also, read this..

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